Trimming down a rust binary in half

I posted this on reddit! The conversations that ensued may interest you, but the best parts have been added to this post.

Lately, I've stumbled on a blog post about Rust binary sizes. I haven't done much compilation1 since I last touched C in school, but I was intrigued by the subject and decided to look at how binary size reduction could impact my own Rust project: advent-rs, a simple binary taking year/day/part/filename parameters and solving exercises from the AdventOfCode online contest.

Starting point

There's already some stuff I know and set up properly, so I already got the correct defaults for my Cargo.toml.

opt-level = 3

Let's look at the resulting file through size2 and ls:

$ size target/release/advent-rs
__TEXT	__DATA	__OBJC	others	dec	hex
1409024	16384	  0	      4295393280	4296818688	1001c4000

$ ls -lah  target/release/advent-rs
 -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 red  staff   1.8M Oct 27 08:49 target/release/advent-rs

So we are standing at 1.8M, for a binary that's solving around 150 exercices. That doesn't sound so bad, but again, I haven't compiled code in a long time, so I have no idea where I stand. Let's check the first binary I can think of.

$ ls -lah /bin/ls
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   151K Sep  5 11:17 /bin/ls

Well, I definitely need to do some trimming.

Optimizing compilation

First things first, let's check compilation.

Start with stripping

As I remember from my C days, and as the blog clearly states: not stripping symbols from a release is the root of all evil.

This is not an absolute! As fredbrancz rightly said, if you release a binary to the public at large and later require debugging it, missing the symbols will come back at you fast!
opt-level =  3
strip = true

Build, check file.

$ /bin/ls -lah  target/release/advent-rs
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 red  staff   1.5M Oct 27 09:03 target/release/advent-rs

Already 300kb trimmed off!

Halt and catch fire

A backtrace is a very useful to have when debugging, all interpreted languages come with them, and for a while, I wasn't even surprised to see them pop up in Rust, in spite of C never printing one, only going as far as telling me "Segmentation fault" when my carefully-crafted binary would have the politeness to tell me on its own that I was doing something wrong.

Well, Rust should not have them.

Wait, let me explain myself here: backtraces are not a normal feature of a compiled language, since the backtraces you are used to actually come courtesy of the interpreter. So in a compiled language with no interpreter, where do they come from?

Yes, from your binary.

opt-level =  3
strip = true
panic = "abort"

Build, check file.

$ /bin/ls -lah  target/release/advent-rs
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 red  staff   1.2M Oct 27 09:05 target/release/advent-rs

Can you believe this shaved off another 300kb?

Insane stuff I don't want

The Cargo documentation gives us more options we can experiment with for fun. They don't work for me but your mileage may vary.

Optimize for size

After 3, there are opt-level values that target smaller binaries. I can try with sor z and they will respectively shave off 100 and 200kb, BUT the tradeoff here is execution speed, which is not a value I want to allow myself to play with3.

Don't check integer overflow

You can disable checking for integer overflow with overflow-checks = false from your binary. Obviously, this is NOT recommended when you're playing with user input, and in my case, it won't even register any change.

Wrong! As GamerCounter pointed out, these checks are removed by default in release mode.

It seems that other than compiling, you can also optimise linking4 with lto = true. I don't recommend it since it doubled my build time AND didn't give me a good size reduction...

Attention! I wasn't clear enough on this, but as VorpalWay and hubbamybubba correctly pointed out, the benefits of this parameter depends on your project.

Cleaning up crates

The other thing that will take up space is...code. More specifically, code you wouldn't need. Let's check my dependencies:

clap = { version = "4.5.1", features = ["derive"] }
itertools = "0.12.1"
md-5 = "0.10.6"
mutants = "0.0.3"

assert_cmd = "2.0.13"
predicates = "3.1.0"
criterion = { version = "0.5.1", features = ["html_reports"] }

Nothing too barbaric here, clap is the de-facto crate to parse command-line arguments, itertools is required because a ton of exercises require iterating over data in strange ways, I require md-5 for four exercices, and mutants is allowed here only to skip some tests when running mutations.

As for the development dependencies, I know I got nothing to fear from them.

Removing a crate

You may feel like the above dependencies are sane, that I need all of them, that there is no way my project could function without any of them,... But what if it could?

Past experience

When I started writing all of these parsers I required for handling input data, I often used the regex crate. While it was very useful, I knew from my benchmarks that using old-school "split-on-this-char" approach was faster3, so I slowly started phasing it out.

As of Year 2017: Day 15, I removed the crate from my Cargo.toml.

Future ideas

While I know that "rolling out your own crypto" is a bad idea, the crate md-5can clearly be replaced. Plus the fact that its input and outputs are of different types mean one exercise could actually be way faster5 if I rolled out my own!

Okay, now where's the bloat?

I found out the appropriately-named tool cargo-bloat on GitHub.

Let's install and try it, it's just a command6 after all.

$ cargo bloat --release
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.01s
    Analyzing target/release/advent-rs

 File  .text     Size        Crate Name
 1.1%   1.6%  16.0KiB clap_builder clap_builder::parser::parser::Parser::get_matches_with
 1.1%   1.6%  15.8KiB    [Unknown] __mh_execute_header
 0.7%   1.1%  10.5KiB clap_builder clap_builder::builder::command::Command::_build_self
 0.6%   0.9%   8.9KiB          std std::backtrace_rs::symbolize::gimli::resolve
 0.6%   0.9%   8.7KiB          std std::backtrace_rs::symbolize::gimli::Context::new
 0.5%   0.7%   7.1KiB          std gimli::read::dwarf::Unit<R>::new
 0.4%   0.7%   6.5KiB clap_builder <clap_builder::error::format::RichFormatter as clap_builder::error::format::ErrorFormatter>::format_error
 0.4%   0.6%   6.1KiB clap_builder clap_builder::parser::validator::Validator::validate
 0.4%   0.6%   5.8KiB    advent_rs core::slice::sort::stable::quicksort::quicksort
 0.4%   0.6%   5.6KiB          std addr2line::ResUnit<R>::find_function_or_location::{{closure}}
 0.4%   0.5%   5.2KiB          std addr2line::Lines::parse
 0.4%   0.5%   5.2KiB clap_builder <alloc::vec::Vec<T,A> as core::clone::Clone>::clone
 0.3%   0.5%   5.0KiB clap_builder clap_builder::output::help_template::HelpTemplate::write_all_args
 0.3%   0.5%   5.0KiB clap_builder clap_builder::output::usage::Usage::write_arg_usage
 0.3%   0.5%   4.9KiB    advent_rs advent_rs::year_2016::day_10::solve
 0.3%   0.4%   4.3KiB clap_builder clap_builder::parser::parser::Parser::react
 0.3%   0.4%   4.2KiB clap_builder clap_builder::output::usage::Usage::write_usage_no_title
 0.3%   0.4%   4.2KiB    advent_rs advent_rs::year_2017::day_21::Image::mutate
 0.3%   0.4%   4.1KiB          std addr2line::function::Function<R>::parse_children
 0.3%   0.4%   3.9KiB clap_builder clap_builder::output::help_template::HelpTemplate::write_templated_help
58.8%  87.9% 872.3KiB              And 1925 smaller methods. Use -n N to show more.
66.9% 100.0% 992.5KiB              .text section size, the file size is 1.4MiB

Never going to that fortune-teller ever again

Something must be wrong, let's try another command.

$ cargo bloat --release --crates
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.01s
    Analyzing target/release/advent-rs

 File  .text     Size Crate
25.9%  38.8% 384.8KiB std
22.3%  33.4% 331.1KiB advent_rs
15.8%  23.5% 233.6KiB clap_builder
 1.2%   1.7%  17.1KiB itertools
 1.1%   1.6%  15.9KiB [Unknown]
 0.7%   1.0%  10.0KiB md5
 0.3%   0.5%   5.0KiB digest
 0.3%   0.5%   4.6KiB strsim
 0.2%   0.3%   3.3KiB clap_lex
 0.1%   0.2%   2.1KiB anstyle
 0.1%   0.2%   1.8KiB anstream
 0.0%   0.0%      16B colorchoice
66.9% 100.0% 992.5KiB .text section size, the file size is 1.4MiB

First off, I'm surprised that md5 is only taking around 10Kb, so maybe I won't need to replace it until I really want to shave a few milliseconds off that one exercise5. But for the rest...

What the fuck Clap?

It seems I'm not the first person to complain about clap's binary size. I'm even surprised it can even get to this size because its only use is to parse an array of strings.

I mean, seriously:

#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Args {
  /// The year of the exercise, from 2015 to today
  #[arg(short, long, value_parser = clap::value_parser!(u16))]
  year:  u16,
  /// The day of the exercise, from 1 to 25
  #[arg(short, long, value_parser = clap::value_parser!(u8))]
  day:  u8,

  /// The part of the exercise, 1 or 2
  #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 1, value_parser = clap::value_parser!(u8))]
  part:  u8,

  /// File name
  #[arg(help =  "Input file path (will read from STDIN if empty)", value_parser = clap::value_parser!(PathBuf))]
  input: Option<PathBuf>,
fn main() {
  let  args  = Args::parse();

And I'm not even using ALL the features!

By the way... I wasn't very clear on this, but as hubbamybubba specified, you can select features from a crate import in your Cargo.toml.

Picking a sane alternative to Clap

Am I in the mood to look up for a new crate, and completely rewrite the input part of my code? Not really, but I've got a blog to write!

Let's do a quick Google, and thankfully, among the first results is a recap of various arg-parsing libraries:

That's not a DSL! As manpacket corrected me, bpaf's API is not a DSL (Domain-Specific Language), but a Fluent Interface.

I can easily start with Argh then, it looks similar enough that I could maybe just drop it in and have it work.

Attention! While many other libraries are just as small, I chose argh because it was simpler to adapt my code, but it comes with (depending on your setup) a huge caveat: it's got issues with invalid UTF-8.

The beauty of Rust unit tests

As a developper, I've written a lot of untested code.

With advent-rb, I used unit tests for each exercice, using the examples as inputs and result values in RSpec tests, which was very fun.

With advent-rs, and Rust in general, I discovered a new paradigm. While all the languages I ever used made it "easy" to forget to add another file with the correct name, asked me to remember a complicated syntax, made me think of ways to cheat on my code to access private members from another file,... Rust just made away with that: testing a function is done from the same file where it's defined, and I don't even have to care about visibility.

It's all there!

The only thing not handled out-of-the-box is testing a binary (well, that's not really a unit test), but since everything else was so easy, it felt okay to take some time to write a test specifically for that in tests/

In that case, rewriting is very easy:

Quite frankly, the whole diff is nothing short of hilarious given how simple it is.

But the best part?

I can just run cargo test and my tests will tell me everything works the same!

Cleaning up

Let's check up on that bloat one more time, shall we?

$ cargo bloat --release --crates
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.01s
    Analyzing target/release/advent-rs

 File  .text     Size Crate
32.8%  49.3% 360.3KiB std
30.3%  45.5% 332.6KiB advent_rs
 1.6%   2.4%  17.2KiB itertools
 1.0%   1.5%  11.2KiB [Unknown]
 0.9%   1.4%  10.0KiB md5
 0.6%   0.8%   6.2KiB argh
 0.5%   0.7%   5.0KiB digest
66.5% 100.0% 730.3KiB .text section size, the file size is 1.1MiB

As for the file size:

$ ls -lah  target/release/advent-rs
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 red  staff   898K Oct 27 11:02 target/release/advent-rs

Woah, not bad, that shaved off 300kb more, and we reduced our total binary size by almost 1MB.

Going just a bit further

Once again, I am standing on the shoulders of giants, and while I am quite happy with the trimming I did, I found way more experimentations I could perform on johnthagen's min-sized-rust repository.

However, those solutions either require unstable features (we don't do nightly in this house), or stripping off Rust's standard library, which is a whole other can of worms...


Blame NodeJS and Ruby!


As its man page will tell you, size prints the "sections" in a binary, helping you visualise the separation between code and data for instance. It's not very needed here, but it's a useful command to know about.


This project was also built to compete with advent-rb, the same project written in Ruby, to marvel at the speed of execution I was missing from compiled languages.


Linking is the second part of building a project: in layman's terms, it will bind all code parts together into a single executable.


Part two of Year 2016: Day 14 requires for a string to be hashed on itself 2016 times. Since the input must be a string, and the output is a buffer of hexadecimal data, my code needs to re-translate that hex buffer to a string 2016 times...


The cargo-bloat command itself will actually bloat your code. I haven't checked out how, but I'm 99% sure it's keeping in some symbols in so it can return the name of the fonction taking space. In my case, it's adding around 200kb.